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Rice Experiement: What Happens When you Talk to Rice? Day 1

The Hidden Messages in Water by Dr.Emoto has inspired me to do an experiment seeing how much our words and intention effect rice. That is right.. rice.

You may know Dr. Emoto from “What the Bleep do we Know?” where he talks about photographing water crystals after freezing them. Here are some examples of what I’m talking about.

This was shown the words: “You make me sick.”

This was shown the words: “Love and Gratitude”

You can see the differences between the water crystals. Emoto shows us time and again the huge impact we have on water as well as the rest of the world. Watch this video to get a better idea of the book and the experiment I’m doing.

You can see the differences between the water crystals. Emoto shows us time and again the huge impact we have on water as well as the rest of the world. Watch this video to get a better idea of the book and the experiment I’m doing.

The Experiment:

  1. Fill up 3 jars with rice.

  2. Write ‘You Fool!’ on one jar.

  3. Write ‘I Love you.’ on one jar.

  4. Do not label the next jar.

  5. Keep track of any differences in the state of the each rice in the jar.

It’s hard to not be analytical as humans. We like to see proof. It helps us to understand ideas and theories.

So if the water crystal photos aren’t enough, I’m doing Dr. Emoto’s rice experiment to see for myself the effect these things have on our lives.

Here is my first Vlog to show you the goods.

Comment below if you are as excited as I am about seeing the results or if you want to do it with me. Don’t forget to share with friends!

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