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Inspirational Message to YOU this Year (Play on Repeat for Best Results)

At the beginning of this month I sat down and wrote a new year message to you. I didn’t have any plans to do this, it just flowed right through me.

I felt excited and scared to put it together. What if people think my rhymes are corny? What if they don’t like it? My excitement to put out my expression outweighed my negative talk and so today I’m sharing this message to you.

This year my intention is to be REALLY AUTHENTIC. (Hence, my rebranding of Badass Spiritual Warriors.) I feel like I’ve been holding back alot over the years and it’s time for me to be UNAPOLOGETICALLY ME! (I credit Lisa Nichols for this statement.)

When you are more YOU, more people dig it. Of course, not everyone will like what you are putting out there. But that’s okay since your true self worth comes from inside you, not external validation.

So I know some people will love it, some will like it, and some will think it’s lame- but I’m sharing it anyway. I’m practicing my intention for 2015 by sharing the real me with the world. So here it is….

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